[This is a roundup of news articles and other materials circulating on Egypt and reflects a wide variety of opinions. It does not reflect the views of the Egypt Page Editors or of Jadaliyya. You may send your own recommendations for inclusion in each week`s roundup to egypt@jadaliyya.com by Sunday night of every week.]


Turkey and Egypt: Misconceptions & Missed Opportunities
Ziyad Meral analyzes the political and economic history of Turkey-Egypt relations.

A TIMEP Interview with Former NCHR Member Negad el-Borai on the April 28 Verdicts
Tahrir Institute for Middle East Policy interviews lawyer and human rights activist Negad el-Borai.

A New Phase of Counterfeiting Cognizance
Amr Hamzawy argues the upcoming presidential elections lack actual seriousness and competitiveness.

The Death Sentence: The Consequences of Taking the Wrong Path [Part I]
Yussef Auf argues “selective justice” practiced by the judiciary in Egypt will lead to severe implications.

For Bassem
Sarah Carr remembers Bassem Sabry.

In Egypt, Nasty Business as Usual
Steven Brooke reacts to the death sentence verdict against Muslim Brotherhood supporters.

On Labor Day, Egypt’s Trade Unions Divided Over Presidential Campaigns
Jano Charbel sheds light on the polarization of trade unions as the presidential campaigns start to gain momentum in Egypt.

My Friend, Bassem Sabry: One of the Good People
H. A. Hellyer writes an obituary for Bassem Sabry.

From Strongman to Superman: Sisi the Saviour of Egypt
Leila Zaki argues, “Egypt’s current political scene is marked by ’Sisi-mania’, as the new leader’s supporters scramble to snap up the latest items of Sisi-branded consumer kitsch. A gendered reading of this ‘patriotic consumerism’ reveals its role in negotiating citizenship within Egypt’s refashioned political order.”

Egypt’s Presidential Elections: When the Result Has Already Been Approved
Ebrahim Shabbir says, “Trends in Egypt indicate an easy win for Abdel Fattah Sisi in the upcoming presidential election, but serious economic woes, security issues, and determined opposition mean his presidency is likely to be much more challenging.”

Proven Guilty: Egypt’s Judiciary and the Undermining of Democracy
Ryan J. Suto reflects on the status of the judicial system in Egypt following the death sentence verdict against Muslim Brotherhood members and supporters.

A Conversation with Egypt’s April 6 Youth Movement
Ignacio M. Delgado Culebras interviews members of the April 6 Movement following the court’s verdict to ban the movement.

Apothecary Tales: Pharmacies in Today’s Cairo
Anny Gaul writes on the historical development of the study of pharmacy in Egypt.

Al-Jazeera Trial and Ukraine Abduction Set Dark Tone for World Press Freedom Day
James Rodgers reflects on the status of journalism in Egypt on World Press Freedom day.

Fahmy: Egypt Will `Diversify` Foreign Policy with Closer Ties to Russia
Barbra Slavin says,Speaking in Washington, Egyptian Foreign Minister Nabil Fahmy cited Egypt’s deepening ties to Russia while calling for patience during Egypt’s "transformation.”

An Ailing Healthcare System
Leyla Doss writes on the state of health care system in Egypt.

On Death Sentences and Bans
Amr Hamzawy reacts to the death sentence verdicts.

The Politicization of Egypt’s Judiciary Amidst the “War on Terror”
Mai El-Sadany writes on the status of the judicial system legal and procedural perspectives.

The Judges Behind the Verdicts
Heba Afify says, “The greatest danger lies in the ability of a certain minority—the one that speaks in the language of the law and weaves its arguments and proofs—to oppress the majority of the people who are not qualified to decode the legal logic … and which threatens to kill any revolutionary project in its cradle.”

Egypt’s Media: Fact, Fiction, and Farce
Mohamed Selim Khalil argues, “The battle is between democracy, good governance, and their impeding prosperity on the one side, and crony authoritarianism on the other.”

Decorating Authoritarian Rule
Sara Khorshid argues, “The international community is often willing to decorate authoritarian rule by cheering for the ballot boxes.”


In Arabic: 

أحكام الإعدام في المنيا: إهدار للعدالة واستهزاء بالحق في الدفاع--بيان صحفي مشترك
Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights (EIPR) releases a joint press release condemning court’s death sentence verdicts.

إيلوثيريا» باسم صبرى»
Ayman Sayyad writes a tribute for Bassem Sabry.

لماذا نقف جميعًا عاجزين أمام ارتفاع الأسعار؟
Galal Amen analyzes the causes of inflation in Egypt and the rest of the world by drawing on contentions of economic theories.

"تمنيتُ لو أرقد وأموت"
Human Rights Watch releases a comprehensive report on trafficking and torturing Eritreans in Egypt and Sudan. 

سيناء ووهم التنمية.. بعد 32 عاماً على التحرير
Al-Monitor Correspondent in Sinai says, “Egypt celebrated the liberation of Sinai from Israeli occupation on 25 April, but Sinai locals, who feel neglected by the central government, have little to cheer about.”

فحم وأشياء أخرى
Akram Ismail writes on the state’s corruption in relation to utilizing alternative energy sources in Egypt.

عقوبة الإعدام تسيء للعدالة
Sharif al-Sayyid Ali argues the death penalty is usually sentenced on minorities and the poor in Egypt.

بأي حال عدت يا عيد
Fatma Ramdan argues the Egyptian state is attempting to oppress labor syndicates.

ليس نعيا لباسم صبري
Khalil al-Anany remembers Bassem Sabry. 

ماذا لو كان الجدار سيتشقق في الضربة القادمة؟
Bilal Alaa argues most political movements are bound to pass through structural destruction at some point of their political history.

أنا ضد الإعدام
Khalid Fahmy sheds light on Egyptians’ reactions to the death penalty.

بلد المليون مخبر
Isaac Ibrahim writes on the ramifications of the death sentences against Muslim Brotherhood supporters.